Youth and Conflict: Global Challenges – Local Strategies. International Conference on Conflict Resolution Education. March 27th – 29th. Ohio, USA

Who should attend: College faculty, staff, and students, K-12 educators and administrators, public health officials, prevention specialists, state, local, national, and international policymakers.

The root causes of conflict and the methods to prevent and intervene in conflict situations are interdisciplinary. So too is the need to address them collaboratively in both global and local communities. From child soldiers in Africa and the Americas to gangs in North America, collaboration is necessary to resolve these challenges with cultural and contextual sensitivity. Global Issues Resource Center and Library, Office of Community Continuing Education, at Cuyahoga Community College and the European Centre on Conflict Prevention (secretariat for the Global Partnership for the Prevention of Armed Conflict) are partnering with colleges and universities around the world; with local, national, and international non-governmental organizations; and with local, state, and national governmental agencies to host a five day International Summit on Conflict Resolution Education (CRE) in Cleveland, Ohio, USA with presenters from across the U.S. and 16+ countries. Proceedings from the 2007 Inter-American Summit on CRE can be found at:

The second Summit is an opportunity for schools, colleges and universities, non-governmental organizations, and governmental organizations to engage in interdisciplinary collaboration and research on issues of violence and conflict confronting our youth. Presentations will focus on conflict management and peace education strategies for youth and methods that reduce the societal violence that surrounds youth. Participants will exchange program best practices, evaluation methodology, creation of policy implementation structures, and consideration of obstacles to success. Conference participants will be drawn from the local, state, national, and international community. Workshop topics include best practices in bullying prevention, classroom management, youth violence prevention, truancy, conflict management, social and emotional learning, preventing dating violence, trauma defusion, gang prevention, youth empowerment and leadership, etc.

Costs: Range from only $50 - $150 for registration before February 29th, 2008. See the conference program and registration for details on the Web site at:

Credits Offered: CEU, CHES, and Graduate Credit will be offered. Social Work, Counselor Credits, and RCH have been requested. One hour of graduate credit will be offered at an additional cost of $200 from Ashland University with the completion of an assignment following the conference.


The Summit is only one part of a larger project to enhance and build collaborations to address the challenges of youth and violence in our communities. The components of the project include:

Service Learning on Youth and Conflict: Opportunities to engage in service learning projects around the themes of the conference in partnership with other community, government, and college and university partners will be shared at the Summit. Free trainings on action research and service learning were offered to partners during the fall and early winter 2007. See the web site for details on how to get involved in helping your community at:

Conflict Resolution Education (CRE)/Peace Education Evaluation Project: The results of a survey of research in 15 global regions on CRE and PE that is being conducted by colleges and universities in partnership with the Global Partnership for the Prevention of Armed Conflict's PE and CRE Global Reference group and other international partners will be presented at the Summit.

Spring 2008 Higher Education Curriculum Integration: Partner colleges and universities are integrating the themes of the conference into their course work across disciplines. This helps students (future leaders) greater understand the context of some of the issues that face youth in the world today.

March 27th Pre-Conference Trainings: Trainings offered include restorative justice, social and emotional learning, and positive discipline in order to highlight positive approaches to addressing conflict in learning environments.

March 30th and 31st Business Meeting: The International Network on Conflict Resolution Education and Peace Education (INCREPE) and the Global Partnership for the Prevention of Armed Conflict (GPPAC) reference group will meet to review the results of the global evaluation project and to enhance the structures for strengthening the networks to support policies and implementation in the field. These meetings are by invitation only for current GPPAC and INCREPE members.

Questions? Visit the Web site at: for more details, call 216-987-2224 or e-mail to request a hard copy of the conference program. Other questions? E-mail:

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